#languagelearning - Club Petit Pierrot https://clubpetitpierrot.co.uk Fun French Lessons Sun, 16 Feb 2020 10:32:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://clubpetitpierrot.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-favicon_512x512-4-90x90.png #languagelearning - Club Petit Pierrot https://clubpetitpierrot.co.uk 32 32 The impact of regular exposure on learning French! https://clubpetitpierrot.co.uk/the-impact-of-regular-exposure-on-learning-french/ Sun, 16 Feb 2020 10:32:16 +0000 https://clubpetitpierrot.co.uk/?p=5935 Recent research has demonstrated that babies can learn a second language in just one hour per day. At Club Petit Pierrot, we have been lucky enough over the years to…

The post The impact of regular exposure on learning French! first appeared on Club Petit Pierrot.

Recent research has demonstrated that babies can learn a second language in just one hour per day.

At Club Petit Pierrot, we have been lucky enough over the years to witness the impact of regular exposure on learning French!

As we want to give our pupils the best chance of becoming fluent in French, we don’t only provide French classes and private tuition but we also give lots of other resources to help the children learn and practise beyond our French lessons:

– Access to our online Members’ Portal with recommendations – videos, songs, arts & crafts ideas and worksheets to develop even further the skills acquired during our French sessions Register here.

– Access to free Play sessions for babies and children up to 4 years old attending our lessons, taking place in Chelsea on Wednesday afternoon and in St John’s Wood on Friday & Saturday morning. Venues and Timetables here

– Opportunity to attend our fun French family events across London, where we immerse everybody in French culture – organised with our partners Librairie La Page, Petit Bateau & Ladurée UK  More info here

– Opportunity to attend our engaging multi-sensory storytelling adventures at the French bookshop Librairie La Page.

Next one on Wednesday

  • 10am-10.45pm ~ 1 to 3 years old Booking
  • 11am-11.45am ~ 3 to 5 years old Booking

– A bespoke books subscription exclusively for Club Petit Pierrot members with the “Pagivore”. Every month the Libraire La Page will send a surprise to your home. Subscription available here

– And last but not least, parents know that we are always on hand and that they can speak to us at anytime, or call our Director Stella Bataille for advice: 020 7385 5565 | admin@clubpetitpierrot.co.uk

To be kept in the loop, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter here

A bientôt !

The post The impact of regular exposure on learning French! first appeared on Club Petit Pierrot.
