Summer French Activities to practise on Holiday! (part 1)

With the Olympic Games in Paris, France and its language will shine worldwide this summer! This is the perfect time for children to discover French culture and practice la langue française. We have selected a few books, activities and games to enjoy during les vacances !

For all levels of French

Books and stories

From 2 to 5 yrs old

Les JO des animauxclick here

Practise counting in French with the animals at the Olympics!

Petit Ours Brun fait de l’escalade click here

A walk in the wood is not only about picking some mushrooms for Petit Ours Brun… the nature is also a huge playground for him!

From 4 years old

Mes p’tits docs – Les jeux Olympiquesclick here

Discover everything about Olympic Games, the most famous sport event worldwide.

From 6 years old

La sorcière du Parc Monceau par Marlène Jobert – click here

Paris won’t be only about the JO this Summer… people will also enjoy and relax in its gardens and parks! But watch out for the witch in the Parc Monceau…

You can also listen to the story here!

From 7 years old

Le grand livre des Jeux Olympiques – click here

Discover lots of fun facts and interesting stories about the Olympic Games!

Art and craft & Games

Art & craft Olympic Medal – click here

Create your own medals for the Olympics!


Pour les francophones

Livres, histoires à écouter et podcasts

From 3 years old

Le Yoga des enfants – click here

The little ones stretch and unwind during the holiday with these yoga podcasts!

From 3 to 6 years old

La grande histoire de “Pomme d’Api” – click chere

Every month children can listen to the story published in the magazine “Pomme d’Api”!

From 6 years old

Les Schtroumpfs Olympiques – click here

The Grand Schtroumpf organises a sport event for all of the Schtroumpfs!

Radio “J’aime Lire” – click here

In the garden, at the beach or on the go, children can practise their French listening to the great stories from “J’aime Lire” magazine!


Jeux et livres d’activités

From 3 years old

Jouer pour réviser – J’entre en petite section – click here 

Mon grand coffret Montessori d’initiation à la lecture – click here

Children discover and learn how to recognise and associate all the letters (capitals and letter cases).

From 4 years old

Passeport de la moyenne à la grande section – click here

Jeu des 7 familles des sports – click here

“Dans la famille Fouduballon je voudrais…” Complete all the sporty families asking for each family members! What a fun way to play with the Olympic Sport this Summer!

From 6 years old

Cahier d’exercices de français – lecture et étude de la langueclick here 

240 questions pour réviser CP vers le CE1 click here


Stay tuned! More recommendations with activities, videos and games are coming soon! In the meantime, children can also learn and practise French joining our Holiday Clubs!

First week is fully booked – only a few places left for the second one (22nd to 26th July in Chelsea & Fulham)

More info & registration: here!






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