What children’s brains need most to learn a language!

Neurologists believe that we are most receptive to learning a language during the first ten years. Children’s brains are incredibly adaptable and primed for language learning, especially at a young age. When it comes to learning French or any language, several key factors contribute to effective learning:

Exposure: Immersion is the most beneficial and best way to learn. Surrounding children with French speakers, whether through family members, friends, or immersion programmes, provides constant exposure to the language.

Social interaction: Language acquisition is not about memorising words and grammar rules; it’s also about understanding and engaging with others in meaningful communication.

Interactive Learning: Children learn best through active participation and engagement. Incorporating games, songs, stories, and other interactive activities into their learning experience make the process enjoyable and effective.

Multisensory Approach: Engaging multiple senses in the learning process can enhance retention. Using visual aids, gestures, and tactile materials alongside spoken and written language reinforces comprehension and memory.

Consistency: Regular exposure to the language is crucial. Consistent practice, even in small doses, helps reinforce learning and build fluency over time.

Contextual Learning: Connecting language learning to real experiences helps children understand the practical use of French.

Critical thinking skills: This is fundamental to foster this for effective learning in various domains, including language acquisition.

Patience and Support: Every child learns at their own pace. Providing a supportive environment where they feel safe to make mistakes and learn from them is essential.

Age-Appropriate Materials: Age-appropriate educational activities tailored to children’s interests ensures their engagement and enjoyment while learning French.

In our immersive holiday clubs and in our immersive weekly sessions by focusing on these elements and fostering a positive and supportive learning environment, children develop a strong foundation when they are beginners, further develop their skills as they progress, and enhance their fluency, becoming bilingual.