Have fun & learn French together!


Like many people, I have a few resolutions at the start of the New Year but find it difficult to keep them. Being a working mum, I always have too much to do and put others‘ needs before my own, so I often end up giving up on them. However, I have always enjoyed doing activities with my son and made sure to enrol him in a few classes where we could have fun together.

Something for you and your child! So if like me you enjoy doing educational activities with your child and if you want to learn or practise French, you could enrol in a class where you can both learn together. That way you get to spend time with your child, have fun and also have the satisfaction of doing something you really want to!


Really, can I learn French with my child? Now you might be wondering if you will learn anything in a class for little ones and you’ll be thinking that surely French classes for children will just teach a few words and songs. You’ll probably also question whether it will get you to a level where you can actually communicate in French next time you go on holiday to France!


Yes, learn and get confident to speak! Well, I can tell you that in a Fun French immersion class with a wide range of activities, it is achievable, giving you lots of opportunities to improve your French. And not only will you enjoy a French class with your child, enjoy seeing him/her flourish and learning a new language, but you will get the opportunity to practise and become more confident in speaking French yourself.

Allez-y ! While playing with your child, you can learn useful and practical vocabulary as well as acquiring real communication skills in French! So why not attend an immersion class and at least keep that resolution and get ready for your next French holiday?!




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